Missing A Beam of Mine

Smile. No. Do Not Smile. My smile was faded. The filth of the creased lines of my cheeks, Bending into a smile, Was forming. My smile was running away, From my face, From my internal beauty, From my soul. It ran away. Like a rabid dog galloping away. And so did the beam of my…


Requirement: Write about sounds. Wrestle with the challenge of putting sounds into words. And colours, and lights. As you write, turn what you’re writing into a dreamscape. Incorporate what you see, but go wild, too. Add impossible feats and mythological creatures, obstacles, add people from your past or your character’s past and future. A-Z Post…


Requirement: Find a market. Pick a colour and write about everything you come across in that colour. Call the piece “20 Greens/Blues [insert colour of choice] in One Hour.” Write about smells and textures. Write about memories. Research three of the items to add details that are new to you. Read Lydia Davis’ story “20…


Requirement: Write about where it sits and what’s next to it. Write about this plant as you would about a new pet you’re about to take home. Ask yourself: What will it be like when it grows? How well will you take care of it? Who else will care for it? Take it home and…

This Golden Period

An intense tsunami of hunger overwhelmed me. My lips were starting to bite against each other, longing to eat something – just something I could fill my stomach with. A craving for my favourite, a memorized image of the rich, dark brownie, laid before me on the counter. My eardrums were ringing a bell; they…

It’s You Mother

February 20, 2000. The day your life changed into a colossal twist, was the day you changed my day, my entire life. The cleanliness of the bed you laid on matched the purity of your heart. It was late at night, at 4. You asked one of the nurses, “Where is my child?”, you asked,…